By DanTheMan - 21/10/2014 02:29

Today, my sister ended her long and extremely annoying crush on Justin Bieber. I can only hope one day my girlfriend will end hers too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 148
You deserved it 4 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, dating a minor is highly unethical and inappropriate.


I can't believe that at this point anybody still likes him

Him? I've seen pictures And it has no semblance of masculinity...

One of my close friends still LOVES Bieber. She has a poster in her locker. *sigh* I'm not exactly thrilled that she still likes him, but she's my friend so I'm just gonna let her roll with it.

Friends don't let friends like Justin Bieber 64

2ndSucks 15

Your advice is not very helpful, man

many great men have tried... yet none prevailed.

If anyone does this, I'll anonymously send them 100 bucks

23lf 16

I'd break up with the girlfriend! Jk but I hope she gets out of it soon!

OP, dating a minor is highly unethical and inappropriate.

He's 20 years old...unless you're talking about OP's sister or girlfriend but we don't know their ages.

Cookiee04 15

are you sure you're not dating a 12 year old?

Get a different haircut and maybe she will.

You deserve it for dating a little girl who has a crush on another girl. One can only assume you are all in middle school.

There are high school students who have a crush on Justin Bieber...

rosha267 21

I think Justin Beiber is pretty great. I'm a big fan

rosha267 21

One shouldn't be afraid to voice their opinions no matter how unpopular they might be

Sure, 20. This is the Internet. You have that right. Just don't expect anyone to support you or your opinions and kiss your ass. After all it's MY opinion that Beliebers are stupid. You have to respect that. No, I didn't think you were going to. Didn't expect you to. Didn't need you to.

Because your opinion matters on the Internet right?

Hiimhaileypotter 52

@35 The only thing Bieber is great at is being a complete dumbass.

rosha267 21

It's ok man you can feel how ever you want. I like Justin Bieber and you hate him. The world keeps on spinning.

I hope the world stops to let you off #73

23lf 16

If your gf is in at least high school, FYL, otherwise she's too young for you bro.

and how can you stand to be around someone who listens to that crap