By marriagesux - 29/12/2009 07:12 - United States

Today, marks the second week straight without sex. Being a newlywed isn't as great as I thought. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 773
You deserved it 4 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just consult your wife/Husband and tell them the truth, YOU WANT SEX! Or try and spice things up abit with a candle lit dinner or do a strip tease.

2 whole weeks! WOW! You should get married for companionship and knowing that you will be happy the rest of your life. if you got married strictly to get laid more often, you're in for a BIG disappointment. You're in a marriage now, meaning you should be completely comfortable with her. My advice is, talk to her about how you feel, see how she feels, and work something out.


my boyfriend and I live together and do it a lot more than that. :)

pipp360 0

it's different wen ur married

my gf and I rarely do it. we only do it when she is in the mood, which is like once every month. before it was like 1 to 3 times a week, but since then it has slowed down a lot. what should I do to get more?

just consult your wife/Husband and tell them the truth, YOU WANT SEX! Or try and spice things up abit with a candle lit dinner or do a strip tease.

sadasslife 0

dang that sucks, but why is that happening? maybe you should ask your partner..good luck

My mama always told me getting married was so you didn't have to have sex anymore...

futuremarine5 4

then I'm never getting married

pippacrawford 4

the fastest way to stop a woman from screwing is today marry her. btw,welcome to hell. as Johnny Carson once said, "It's true that married men live longer. But, they are more willing to die. "

kickboxingchick 5

Marriage isn't just about sex. And really? I think you should value her and her personality over sex. Smh ?

2 whole weeks! WOW! You should get married for companionship and knowing that you will be happy the rest of your life. if you got married strictly to get laid more often, you're in for a BIG disappointment. You're in a marriage now, meaning you should be completely comfortable with her. My advice is, talk to her about how you feel, see how she feels, and work something out.

jdortega 2

They didn't get married strictly for sex, but this person sure as hell didn't get married to completely avoid it

namhowell 6

2 weeks with no sex should normally not be a big deal but you're a newlywed so FYL indeed.

jamjenni2774 0

maby he/she is still recovering from the firts two week!!