By highlycontagious - 22/02/2009 09:45 - United States

Today, while walking through the fragrance area in a shopping center a women behind me asked; "Excuse me miss, would you like to sample our new fragrance line." I'm a 19 year old male. I turned around expecting her to correct herself. She didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 184
You deserved it 6 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awwww, that's so sad! Did you end up trying the fragrance?

KatieWagnerFab 0

You're probably just a pretty boy. Some girls like long hair on males.


Awwww, that's so sad! Did you end up trying the fragrance?

My husband gets this all the time. Usually, his response when they regress is "Oh, no worries. That was the look I was going for today." I lol every single time.

SarahHach 0

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Femanon 0

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haha thats mean. ive got a guyfriend whos really feminine too XD

Lol! I actually laughed out loud at that.

you do know, some women are really after guys who look like that. just go to an anime com and you may get a ton of cute geek girls after you.

holynemesis1208 3

awww, but you probably have really nice skin

KatieWagnerFab 0

You're probably just a pretty boy. Some girls like long hair on males.

Maybe he has bitch ****? Yeah, that would suck.

JustCallMeCloud 0

Don't worry dude, I use to have long hair and people would whistle at me and my girlfriend while we were kissing. lol, they probably thought we were lesbians or something. One time a teacher walked up to us because we were holding hands, she started laughing and told me that she thought I was a girl. I don't have that problem anymore because I donated my hair, but once it grows back I'll be back in the same spot.

Cortney 0

Lol. She didn't correct herself, oh that's a bitch. FYL

Blind_Ninja 0

If she thought you were a girl, chances are it's your fault. You probably have emo hair, you're probably underweight, you probably either girl pants or really tight pants, and your shirts probably just as tight, if not tighter. Don't feel so bad. You choose that look and chicks dig it.