By BaconLover - 28/10/2013 04:58 - Japan

Today, my girlfriend asked me if I could love anything more than her, and if so, what. I guess "bacon" was the wrong answer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 609
You deserved it 45 495

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Although bacon is amazing and a direct gift from the gods, I think it's okay to lie and say that you don't love anything more than her in this instance

thatonegirlnic 10


Well, when asked why, you could always remind her that "Bacon never asks dumb questions designed to get me into trouble."

I would have said our children. That would have gotten you laid big time broski.

I mean she shoulda just made you some bacon and laughed?

I can hear my boyfriend saying tha same thing...

Any answer other than "nothing and no one" is wrong to that question for most women. YDI for not registering that her tone of voice was sarcastic while asking that question.

Better than "your sister" worse than "of course not baby you're the best"

404wan 19

yeah, that's funny on the internet, not face to face to someone who is trying to have a romantic moment. and honestly, i know your're all kidding, but if you really feel that way that's intensely ******* sad.