By BaconLover - 28/10/2013 04:58 - Japan

Today, my girlfriend asked me if I could love anything more than her, and if so, what. I guess "bacon" was the wrong answer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 609
You deserved it 45 495

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Although bacon is amazing and a direct gift from the gods, I think it's okay to lie and say that you don't love anything more than her in this instance

thatonegirlnic 10


lil_mars 1

KAhaha ah damn, bro. That was definitely a trap. She was probably looking for, "Nothing, baby. I could never love anything more than you." or something of that sort. I know, we (girls) can be ridiculous. We fish for compliments in subtle, sneaky, sometimes stupid ways. It sucks, I'm sorry.

I can't blame you. I have had many people let me down but can honestly say that bacon has never,ever disappointed me.

What flippin fatass loves bacon more than his girl. I love my girl and I would die for her it hurts to think there are some people who will toss girls to the side like there trash

Maybe she was expecting you to say your future kids? You might not know


If I was your girlfriend, I would have loved you even more for saying bacon and eggs.

sarahbevan20 11

Stupid bitch needs to learn how to take a joke, not like that was a good example of a joke.

I would've laughed. If my boyfriend is gonna love anything more than me bacon is a good answer.

Bacon is patient. Bacon is kind. Bacon is never jealous or vengeful. Bacon never cheated on me with 3 different guys. Choose Bacon my friends.