By Anonymous - 17/01/2015 19:00 - United States - Bowler

Today, my girlfriend asked me not to love her so much, so she doesn't have to try so hard to match my love for her. What the fuck? FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 351
You deserved it 9 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That may be a valid reason to end the relationship. You don't want a relationship where the love isn't mutual.

Maybe you're pushing too hard, and you're at the early stages of the relationship, and she's not ready to return those feelings? Maybe she just couldn't word it correctly. I wouldn't say break up with her. I'd say try to discuss it, and see where the issues lie, and if there really isn't any hope of your love being mutual, then that would be the time to end it and move on.


That may be a valid reason to end the relationship. You don't want a relationship where the love isn't mutual.

drunkmunkey 24

maybe that's her way of saying calm down some and don't smother her?

So maybe she wouldn't catch a grenade for him.

#1 took the words right out of my mouth! She might feel smothered.

Or to find it easier to break-up?! I doubt this is a healthy relationship.

You, my dear friend, are what we like to call "The Reacher" while your girlfriend is normally referred to as "The Settler". I am sorry.

I always heard it as the pursuer/chaser and the settler. interesting though. Yeah, OP sometimes giving your person a little space is the best way to get them to adore you more.

what are you in your relationship reacher or settler?

A simple talk about the situation will do at this point. A break up now would be kinda harsh.

UhHuhHoney 20

Not loving the person back is harsh already, why talk to the person? Trying to force the person to love you back is a waste of time.

well.. she didn't say that she didn't love him back. She just said that she finds it hard to catch up with him in terms of love.

For some reason I can't imagine one saying this seriously. Maybe she was joking? Girls like teasing their guy once in a while :3


It's an unhealthy relationship if your gf doesn't appreciate your love for her. I mean if you're putting forth most of the effort into the relationship and not having the same amount of effort be might wanna question if she's even worth your time.

Nowhere do I read that she doesn't appreciate his love. My guess is that's she's afraid that she can't give the same amount of love she receives and feels pretty guilty about it, like, that she's losing in a competive 'who loves who more' match. Perhaps OP tries too hard to be perfect and she can't compete with it?

I agree, 27. Relationships are not competitions, but sometimes it tends to feel that way in an unhealthy relationship. I don't think she's a bad person but I would understand why OP would want to break up with her. I wouldn't want to be with someone who loved me a lot less than I loved them. OP shouldn't be forced to be with someone who doesn't share the same feelings, and his girlfriend shouldn't be forced to be with someone who she thinks is overwhelming/clingy. Just my two cents.

#28, OP didn't say anything about wanting to break up with her.

Maybe OP just spoils her more and shows his love in more measurable ways, it may not mean that she loves him less necessarily but it's less measurable so she is feeling a bit smothered with love. I tend to get that way with my wife, I tend to spoil her a lot more than she spoils me but I know that she loves me at least as much but shows it in different ways.

Or #9, it's her way of saying OP is putting forward to much making her feel smothered and that's her way of letting them know.

Maybe you're pushing too hard, and you're at the early stages of the relationship, and she's not ready to return those feelings? Maybe she just couldn't word it correctly. I wouldn't say break up with her. I'd say try to discuss it, and see where the issues lie, and if there really isn't any hope of your love being mutual, then that would be the time to end it and move on.