By runescapeftw - 29/12/2009 18:18 - United States

Today, the police called and told me that they had Alex in custody. Apparently, she had public sex with another woman and wants me to come bail her out. Alex is my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 600
You deserved it 2 689

Same thing different taste

Top comments

v1kt4r 13

ROFLMAO, only in America Always wanted to say that, haha but truly FYL

schwinn11 0

So your mom likes get'n it on with other chicks in public, sounds like my kinda woman. 10 bucks says your mom is more popular with your friends than you are!


v1kt4r 13

ROFLMAO, only in America Always wanted to say that, haha but truly FYL

jakeidk 0

don't do it. that's sick I hope there were no kids around or anything...

I don't know, I think your mom sounds awesome.

you would like to be the woman she openly had sex with? ;)

schwinn11 0

So your mom likes get'n it on with other chicks in public, sounds like my kinda woman. 10 bucks says your mom is more popular with your friends than you are!

YeahFMLxX 0

I'd never look at my mom the same way, ever..

jakeidk 0

don't say lesbians are hot if you have a problem with gay guys. and I have both she is disgusting old sick person

heyitsbrii 0

uhh okay theres nothing wrong with lesbians ot gay guys so you can stfu

whoisthisgirl 4

I think she was saying that guys have a problem with gay male couples but think gay female couples are hot. and I agree if you're a homophobe you shouldn't be thinking two girls are hot and two guys are disgusting.

ishiloh 5

You're a disgusting, sick person if you honestly have an issue with people who aren't straight... :$

I don't have anything against the people themselves. I may not agree with their choice to be gay but I do understand everyone's got their own prefrences.