By verysadasian - 30/07/2009 14:21 - United States

Today, my friends and I decided to compare dick sizes one by one. I was last and I was the smallest. I was also the only Asian amongst my friends. They now call me "the stereotype". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 623
You deserved it 29 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

....Wow. YDI, for being lame enough to BE comparing dick sizes with your friends. Do you not have anything better to do?

didn't you know the size of your own dick before you entered a measuring contest?


mamamc 3

a bunch of guys comparing dick sizes - that in itself is wierd - be careful of the guy who suggested doing it!

xdeathangel771 0

this is why i dont use the school lockerrooms

stingray08 3

wow that is te gayest thing I have ever heard

This could have stopped after the first sentence and still been an FML. Why would you be comparing dick sizes?? And to number 237, seeing your friend naked while changing is not a big deal in the US either, for most guys. There is a big difference between catching a glimpse of a naked man and deliberately stripping with all of your friends to compare. Why would you want to know in the first place? Would it really make your life better to have the biggest dick in the group? It's just a terrible way to spend an afternoon.

varkey 7

are you guys gay? who the hell compares dick sizes???

you and your friends are some lame-ass homos.