By Hotsauce887 - 29/03/2009 21:08 - United States

Today, my friend told the cute waiter it was my birthday. He brought out a dessert with a candle and put a huge sombrero on my head. Everyone at the restaurant started singing me happy birthday. I got embarrassed and put my head down. My sombrero caught on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 255
You deserved it 25 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I look forward to hearing about your Darwin Award.


xMooMoox 0

I moderated this one because it was either crazy or someone put some though into it! Lol

pb_fml 0

Ahaha fuego! Double FYL, being embarassed, AND your hat catching on fire. Hopefully the dessert was good.

were you okay?...i hope your hair didnt catch on fire fyl-ouch thats embarresing ydi-because never lean forward wiht somethng large on your head (or even with your hair down) into a table that has a flame idiot and #3, that is a comment

LOL!! #4 - I love you! That comment is WIN.

hey, now here's the positive side to it. everyone knows that your the flamer of the group.

may_cause_fail 0

Rofl at 9. At least you got free stuff! :D