Trigger happy

By Anonymous - 13/06/2020 05:00

Today, I was shot and arrested for trespassing. I'm a firefighter and I was saving a child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 392
You deserved it 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Law enforcement in this country sucks ass. I hope you weren't wounded severely by the idiot who shot you.

Why would 43 people think they deserved it?


You mean the way Jeffrey Epstein saved all of those children from poverty?

No, he was murdered by the people working for someone who also committed atrocities and is now in high political office. (Hint: Resident Rump)

Susan Yee 9

Is it because of your skin color?

Nico711 17

Hm. Must be in America. Does your skin color have anything to do with it?

Why would 43 people think they deserved it?

Law enforcement in this country sucks ass. I hope you weren't wounded severely by the idiot who shot you.

I smell a lawsuit. Seriously, that is not okay on so many levels. I hope you're not seriously hurt. And come on, there's no way you should have been arrested. I think we need more information.

repKyle95 24

Almost 2 years late but unfortunately cops in this country get away with literal murder all the time. Even if she sued and pressed charges, I doubt anything would come of it. ACAB.

Thank you for working in this time. Also let me guess... America?