Tonight, on Euphoria…

By Anonymous - 08/03/2022 00:01

Today, my 15 year-old just told me she's pregnant and she isn’t sure which guy she slept with is the dad. I can’t even deal with this, she's 15 so I’m sure sex is illegal at her age, plus which boyfriend? How many does she have? I’ve been sober for 26 years, but god I want a scotch right now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 305
You deserved it 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jon Tessler 14

why would you think "sex is illegal" at her age? forget getting a drink of scotch, make sure she knows ALL OF HER OPTIONS, AND GET HER TO A DOCTOR ASAP.

It_gets_better 19

In the U.S each state has it's own "age of consent" (the age at which a person can legally decide to have sex.) The youngest age of consent is 16, so that's likely what OP is referring to by illegal.


Jon Tessler 14

why would you think "sex is illegal" at her age? forget getting a drink of scotch, make sure she knows ALL OF HER OPTIONS, AND GET HER TO A DOCTOR ASAP.

It_gets_better 19

In the U.S each state has it's own "age of consent" (the age at which a person can legally decide to have sex.) The youngest age of consent is 16, so that's likely what OP is referring to by illegal.

docdann 3

In most states 15 is under the age of consent regardless the age of the other party

YDI bud, that's a parenting failure on your behalf.

blame social media. just watch for 5 min. most of the girls are dressed like hos, twerking and just generally nasty like it's 'cool' hard for parents to compete with that.