By Hotsauce887 - 29/03/2009 21:08 - United States

Today, my friend told the cute waiter it was my birthday. He brought out a dessert with a candle and put a huge sombrero on my head. Everyone at the restaurant started singing me happy birthday. I got embarrassed and put my head down. My sombrero caught on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 247
You deserved it 25 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I look forward to hearing about your Darwin Award.


catching on fire sucks but the sad thing is that the fire probably melted your free ice cream so yes f your life............

haha i've had them put a sombrero on my head for my birthday - it's awkward and embarassing - now i see it could have been a whole lot worse...

ElDiablo_fml 0

Its, okay.....I know a girl who burned her own hair trying to blow out her candles at her own Sweet 16

Tobias_Grey 0

I tried to hold back my laughter so long I started crying. Sorry, dude; that was just FUNNY.

Today, I brought out dessert with a candle and sombrero for someone's birthday at a restaurant I'm a waiter for. Her sombrero caught on fire. I am now currently unemployed. FML

I'm guessing things didn't work out with that cute waiter seeing how he now knows you're a flamer and all.

lol at #7 "and #3, that is a comment"

blinkingstarlet 15

LMFAO #60!!! hahaha i say YDI. be careful next time your friends bring you an unbirthday surprise.