Face Your Fears

By Broc'n dreams - 06/02/2017 16:00 - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, I woke up screaming "FUCK OFF!" because I had a dream that someone threw broccoli through my window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 517
You deserved it 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Through your open window or did they smash the glass with it? Was it raw or was it lightly steamed with cheese sauce? The jury's still out.


Through your open window or did they smash the glass with it? Was it raw or was it lightly steamed with cheese sauce? The jury's still out.

That happens to me, but usually in a nightmare. It's usually me yelling at whatever is about to kill me.

you know what, if you can't scream "**** off" at hypothetical broccoli throwers, then I don't know who you can scream it at.

I laughed a bit harder than I should have. In reality, though, OP, if the worst problem you have is that you woke up swearing about broccoli, you're probably in a pretty good place. Chin up.

How is this anything but hilarious?