By Ashley - 02/12/2012 10:16 - United States - Huntington Beach

Today, my friend spilt orange juice all over my iPad. She then went ahead to clean it off by rinsing it with water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 376
You deserved it 3 016

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christa953 12

why wouldn't you stop your friend?

Does your friend know what electronics are? Cause that's a very stupid thing to do. Surround it in rice I heard to do that with phones when they get wet. Otherwise, make her pay for a new one.


I think someone owes you a new iPad.

It appears to me that she lives under a rock and doesn't know what electronics are. Haha although I heard apple has amazing customer service so replacing it shouldn't be a problem (:

Have her buy you a new one and get it from best buy. You can purchase a protection plan that if you drop it, sink it, burn it and they'll replace it :)

Really? Burn it and sink it? I have a best buy protection plan for one of my devices but they told me they don't cover that type of damage. Hmm interesting

Too bad it wasn't plugged in and being charged at the time she washed it. :P

esha88 0

Wow u really have a dumba** friend & she'll Be out of about $600 cause she'll be buying me another one...SMH!!!

If you want oj to disappear you are going to need a white Ford Bronco...

Actually, when you spill something, such as orange juice, on an iPad, it's better to go ahead and use water. Rice will soak up all of that water, but orange juice will leave it sticky even if the rice soaks it up.