By Ashley - 02/12/2012 10:16 - United States - Huntington Beach

Today, my friend spilt orange juice all over my iPad. She then went ahead to clean it off by rinsing it with water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 376
You deserved it 3 016

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christa953 12

why wouldn't you stop your friend?

Does your friend know what electronics are? Cause that's a very stupid thing to do. Surround it in rice I heard to do that with phones when they get wet. Otherwise, make her pay for a new one.


reelucy 0

Perhaps instead of spending money on an electronic device that you allowed your clumsy friend to ruin, you should have spent your time and money investing in an education. Your friend went ahead of whom? She cleaned it off of what? You meant to say, "Then she attempted to clean it with water" you do not clean something off. That is a misused phrase and only emphasizes your stupidity. If you are going to buy an $800 toy, you should keep it in a protective case to prevent against misuse by morons such as yourself and your friend.

Maybe you should invest in a business education--"Minding Your Own Business." Are you ******? She was cleaning the orange juice off of the iPad. You could try thinking about what you've read before trying to sound intelligent.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

153: Relax. We all know what OP meant.

My friends are like a ipad.... I dont have a ipad...

Add 1 shot peach schnapps, 1 shot vodka... and wallah, you have yourself a fuzzy navel.

karen1991 15

Shoot her. Shoot her so she can't populate this world with more people like that. DO IT FOR ALL OF US!!!!! STUPID PEOPLE MAKE ME ANGRY!!! GAHHHH!!

twaumat 28

YDI for having an apple product.

Karma21 4

You know apple products are water resistant . My brother did same thing his iPad still works perfect its just that its not water proof just resistant