By Ashley - 02/12/2012 10:16 - United States - Huntington Beach

Today, my friend spilt orange juice all over my iPad. She then went ahead to clean it off by rinsing it with water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 376
You deserved it 3 016

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christa953 12

why wouldn't you stop your friend?

Does your friend know what electronics are? Cause that's a very stupid thing to do. Surround it in rice I heard to do that with phones when they get wet. Otherwise, make her pay for a new one.


Just wrap it in a Shamwow, should work then

gadgetmaster 10

Grab a life proof case. They are awesome. Google it.

it can't hurt rinsing the screen or back. it would be stupid if she let the water in via the charging, earphones hole. and I think if its turned off (idk about the electricity) it can't hurt either if you do that rice trick were others were talking about.

Let me guess, after she rinsed it she left it to dry by an open fire, right?

jarockstar27 10

Sounds like your friend panicked. I have a couple friends like that who would probably do the same thing! They are as sweet as can be but do not handle a crisis well...

ManicGypsy 22

I don't know why Apple just doesn't make them waterproof. My cell phone is waterproof. I can drop it down in a glass of water and it still works perfect. Kyocera Hydro, for all those who want to know what kind of phone it is.

I'm gonna toss a comment up here to let y'all know that rice didn't work for my sibling's iPhone. It was in the rain for a bit, and we put it in rice for several days. No dice. Sorry for your luck, OP. I would ask for compensation from said friend.