By Ashley - 02/12/2012 10:16 - United States - Huntington Beach

Today, my friend spilt orange juice all over my iPad. She then went ahead to clean it off by rinsing it with water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 376
You deserved it 3 016

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christa953 12

why wouldn't you stop your friend?

Does your friend know what electronics are? Cause that's a very stupid thing to do. Surround it in rice I heard to do that with phones when they get wet. Otherwise, make her pay for a new one.


Spilt is correct, moron. Both 'spilt' and 'spilled' are grammatically correct - spilled is just more common. I think you're the one in need of a dictionary. Try google before being a cocky shit.

what are you, like 7? spilt is a word, you should know that. next time you look at a dictionary before looking like a douche

yantasticyosef 6

Atleast she sorta had good intentions?

If you turned your iPad off and rinsed t then let it dry It would be fine

I assume you're going to make her buy you a new one?

Actually, this situation is more of a "best of the worst" scenario. The acid in the orange juice will corrode electronics, but water will not corrode nearly as fast. The best thing to do would be to open it up and try to replace all of the orange juice with water while washing it in a sink. TAKE OUT THE BATTERY FIRST! While its guts are hanging out put it somewhere with high ventilation to drain the water, or use rice to get rid of the water. Water is not nearly as harmful to electronics as people think it is. I actually spilled soda on my keyboard not long ago and my dad taught me how to handle it this way. He has been an electrical engineer for around 30 years.