By mylove - 01/05/2009 02:50 - United States

Today, my daughter said "I love you mom", to me for the first time I can remember. She is 16 years old. She said it because I bought her first thong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 969
You deserved it 12 772

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Messed up. I dont think I'd buy my daughter a thong at sixteen. Awkward. D:


totalbadass 0

Lol #8 I've never seen the word lingerie butchered that badly before... congratulations.

mylifeisfuckeddd 0
awkwardmoments 0

wow. no offense but you probably went wrong somewhere in your parenting. i'm 16 and i was taught to say 'i love you' to my parents whenever i leave the house, hang up the telephone, or go to bed. its not like we're the cleavers (BY FAR. we're actually quite dysfunctional haah) but i think that the 'love you''s remind you that yeah, even if you had a vicious arguement the night before, ya still love em. i know this ^ isnt typical but i have heard at least half of my close friends say 'i love you' to one of their parents in my presence, and not for a greed/gratitude reason. from now on, be more aggressive in teaching your children respect. please. for the sake of society. because right now, its goin down the drain cause of parents who never taught their children lessons when they were young enough to listen.

Wow #89, you're 16?! That really surprises me. You sound pretty mature, your parents must be doing a good job, and I'm glad you can realize it! Happy for you, wish there were more of your kind! I'm 24 now, buty parents were the same way.

tiltwrestler 0

"equinoxe", aka #63 and #66: Just because a bunch of people do it, doesn't make it right. A great amount of people in today's world lie, cuss, have premarital sex, shoplift, drink, fight, cheat on their spouses/partners, kill in wars, and have abortions. Does that make the act justified or good, just because people do them? ....Think about it. Let's not lose our humanity and sense of moral decency, by basing what we do on other people's actions. Let us always look to A) the law, B) the Bible, C) the common good, and D) what will help others more than ourselves.... for what is good, bad, or evil in society. NEVER should we justify something just because OTHER humans (who are all sinful and non-perfect, just like me and you) do it too! Lastly, you are right about 12-year-olds losing their virginity is slutty. But on the other hand, 16 year olds wearing thongs is slutty as well. They may not do it just to show guys, but if that's the case, it shows they cave in to peer pressure easily, and also don't hold themselves in very high moral regard... if they would do something for no reason that they know is slutty, just because other people do it. ====================================================== However, I will admit that I, and nobody else, has the right to judge anybody. With that said, I am not saying "that is slutty" in a self-righteous, I'm-any-better type of way. I have plenty, PLENTY of faults of my own. And I love others wayyy more than myself. I know I'm no better than the daughter, or anybody. But on the other hand, the reason I am saying this is because it needs to be said. Also, I think it will help others. If more humans would NON-JUDGINGLY point out what is wrong and right in the world, IN THE HOPES THAT OTHERS WOULD SEE THE LIGHT, than our world would likely be a better place. So in essence, I don't point it out to gloat, or to nitpick; I point it out to keep the essence of "good and evil" alive.

Kaitlynxfml 0

you daughter basically sucks at life. either that or you do. just be happy shes wearing underwear. and hey, if she doesnt love you then don't buy thongs for her anymore. problem solved

dg72592_fml 0

ok, if she is ******* 16 she should be buying her own underwear. The only thing my mom ever buys me is socks if they're on sale... i really don't know what i would do if she arbitrarily bought me a thong.

#51 lol "erotic lingerie" Buttfloss is some seriously erotic stuff.

uhhh idk but im 14 and girls in my grade wear thongs allllllll the time.

thats her first time. you must not of said i love you enough because in my family my mom would always say i love you so even when i was little i learned to say things like i wuv you too.

checkyesbecca 0

#27 wearing a thong doesn't make her a *****. i'm thirteen and i wear thongs. it's kind of annoying to be wearing leggings but have an underwear line show. & OP your daughter can't buy her own underwear? she's sixteen already...

justlikeme79 9

You know so much about the world, don't you? Don't wear leggings as pants and you won't have that problem, princess.