By mylove - 01/05/2009 02:50 - United States

Today, my daughter said "I love you mom", to me for the first time I can remember. She is 16 years old. She said it because I bought her first thong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 969
You deserved it 12 772

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Messed up. I dont think I'd buy my daughter a thong at sixteen. Awkward. D:


i have to wonder what the dad is doing if she's never told you she loved you...maybe its different growing up as a guy, my dad would always take me aside and let me know what efforts my mom had gone through and even if i was pissed off at her i would still say i love you and thanks for whatever.... maybe thats just me though, a lot of kids grow up not respecting their parents these days

Jeez, what's up with all the people freaking out because a 16 year old is wearing a thong? It's not like you automatically turn into some sex addict when you put it on. It's just underwear, people.

That just means you're a really good parent.

gigi37 0

I'm sorry if your daughter does not say I love you, especially if you are continuously saying it to her. Try talking to her about it and tell her what you said on here. It might start something unpleasant if there are some negative emotions, but at least you will know what's going on and can both start working on it. And seriously people, it's a thong- it doesn't change the person into some ****. The person wearing the underwear makes all the decisions; underwear does not have secret mind controlling powers. To the same poster of #8, #30 (not 39 you dumb idiot) and #35. Your user name gives you all the credit you need. Seriously? Shoplifting? And you made your mom buy you more? You really are the devil's child. Learn how to spell correctly because once you get out into the real world and cannot spell, prepare to start earning money on the streets, sounds like you belong there anyways though.

sad_imp 0

I can't believe there are so many ppl who think wearing a thong turns her in to a *****! But I don't think that's a good reason to love her mom either.

You bought your 16 year old daughter a thong? I love you too!!!!!!!!

lets hope the guy shes going to wear it for enjoys it

bananaface7 0

I'm 16 too and trust me, she does love you. I love my mom but almost never voice it... I don't really know why. but I'm sure she loves you, don't think its only because you buy her panties haha

bananaface7 0

and I agree with the comments about kids be disrespecttul to parents, some of my best friends are very unappriciative and rude... I know I can be as well :(