By mylove - 01/05/2009 02:50 - United States

Today, my daughter said "I love you mom", to me for the first time I can remember. She is 16 years old. She said it because I bought her first thong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 969
You deserved it 12 772

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Messed up. I dont think I'd buy my daughter a thong at sixteen. Awkward. D:


lolololcheese 0

teenagers are bitches and its never gonna change, get over it.

Professor59 2

Imagine how much she'll love you when you buy her the sports car, sweet 16 party, IPhone, etc. Don't complain to us that you've created a brat.

Lalalal_fml 0

I wear granny panties. Butt-floss is like a permanent wedgie. And #90: I have thought about it. This is my response to your little preach fest: If you attempt to shove your religion down my throat again, I ******* swear I will fight, abort, kill you in wars, and cheat on my spouse/partner by having premarital sex with you while shoplifting a bottle of rum. Nah, I'm just lying.

Good job making yourself look like an idiot.

16 and only JUST getting a thong? I call bullshit on this one.

Rubiks_Dude 0

I call bullshit, that or your a bad parent and your daughters a ****.

sarahhbaby 0

i got my first thong like eighth grade ishh..and im not a **** or anything my mom bought it for its not a big deal

....Why would you buy your daughter a thong? Dude, make her do it herself.

I'm sixteen and like thongs, would your daughter be interested in meeting me? :P

totally agree with numbner 15. kids learn to say "i love you" when it's said to them..if that's the way you raise your kids, then you shouldn't expect much back from them in return. and why would you buy your daughter a thong? i mean..its alright to wear one, just kind of awkward for YOU to get it for her.. your fault.

why do people think its wrong to wear thongs at 16... i been having thongs since i was like 12... just because we wear thongs doesnt mean we are ***** sometimes with some clothes your able to see the underwear line ....which is not thats were thongs come in