Daddy's girl, heartless father

By what? - 13/01/2022 23:01

Today, my daughter asked me to hug her and tell her I love her, like I "always used to", because she “misses it.” She’s 25 years-old and acts like a little baby. FML
I agree, your life sucks 289
You deserved it 2 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

missedhighfivemakessad 4

FY daughters life. Wow. Wanting love from your parents is childish now?

I feel like this should be on the AITA part of Reddit, cause you are definitely ah AH


missedhighfivemakessad 4

FY daughters life. Wow. Wanting love from your parents is childish now?

I feel like this should be on the AITA part of Reddit, cause you are definitely ah AH

How dare a human being seek comfort from another human instead of turning into a good little robot. Truly a nightmare of Lovecraftian proportions. /sarcasm

Wait! It's wrong for me to tell my adult daughter, "I wuv oo?" Gulp! I'd better fix that!

Jesus, how cold hearted you are. I have no idea why you think this is an adolescent act. Quite frankly your reaction to it is what is emotionally immature. People are allowed to ask for affection and reassurance of love. It’s human to seek connection and it’s emotionally evolved to 1. know your needs and 2. ask for them to be met.

People never grow out of wanting affection from their parents, at least occasionally. Were you not hugged as a child? Seek therapy.

randybryant799 20

Holy crap lady. Your daughter is asking for some love and affection which is something we all need. Shame on you.

I give my daughter lots of hugs and back pats. It’s important to let your kids know they’re loved.

wow. kind of a bitch. you. not her. didn't know it was unacceptable for your child to still love you at 25....

Nikki 17

I can’t even vote ‘you deserve it’ because you clearly don’t deserve her love