By fuckmyliiiiiiife - 01/05/2009 01:40 - United States

Today, I woke up with the worst cold, ever. My nose was running like crazy and my eyes were all puffy. So I stumbled over to the medicine cabinet and took what I thought were three tylenol cold's. Two hours later I'm still sick and I can't leave the bathroom. They were laxatives. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 417
You deserved it 25 962

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, you really need to pay more attention to what you're taking next time. You can **** up your system.

freddie_fml 0

Good thing you don't keep cyanide in your medicine cabinet, eh? Reading labels helps.


sucks for you AND FIRST!!!!!!!!!!1

YDI for taking some random pills...

2# you have to find a way to say YDI? nobodys pefect and you would have done the same thing so YDI to number to for being an asshole

How about this? She should had read the f-ing label.

I doubt he would've done the same thing since most people read the labels on pills before shoving them down their throat. Yeah nobody's perfect but you don't need to be perfect to do something as simple as taking the right medicine.

Your mum might want to move the medicine cabinet up the wall a bit, out of reach of little hands.

Wow, you really need to pay more attention to what you're taking next time. You can **** up your system.

# 4 that comment doesn't even make sense... learn english and then post crap... lmao

freddie_fml 0

Good thing you don't keep cyanide in your medicine cabinet, eh? Reading labels helps.