By mylove - 01/05/2009 02:50 - United States

Today, my daughter said "I love you mom", to me for the first time I can remember. She is 16 years old. She said it because I bought her first thong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 969
You deserved it 12 772

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Messed up. I dont think I'd buy my daughter a thong at sixteen. Awkward. D:


nushadow 0

kids have a hard time saying i love you, you have to initiate it or else they feel intimidated, my mom says i love you everytime she leaves the house and even when i was a teen i told her i loved her the same

How would you have a hard time to say it? are you cutting yourself while you say it? i don't have any problem with telling them i love them, especially if they go out or go to work or something, because hey, you never know if it will be the last thing you will say to them. it doesn't matter if you mean it, it will make them feel like you appriciate them.

Dopehead666 21

****IGNORE #39*** I accidentally posted it too soon. =/ I'm sorry that I don't care to impress others with my wonderful spelling abilities... yeah I suck at spelling... wow! And to the 'peer pressure' I was just throwing that out there, I don't believe in it. #15 don't talk about someone you know nothing about, and especially do not talk about my mother. Yeah I hope none of you have a kid like me either. Shame on me for being so dense... -_- I won't lie, I am certainly ignorant about many things... but there is a difference between ignorance and stupidity. When I am in the wrong I am open to accepting and learning why, until of refusing to acknowledge or listen to others. Shit most the time I don't even know what I am talking about. At least I try. It's okay to Agree to Disagree.

..and 16 year old boys she hangs out with thank you as well mom.

you bought your 16 year old daughter a thong? why? do you want a grandchild that badly?

I don't really see how people are connecting a thong with being a **** and/or having a grandchild. They never told me in Sex Ed that wearing a thong could get you pregnant or make you have sex.

Well I agree with whoever said that she appreciates you for what you've done for her. Just because you buy a 16 year old a thong doesn't mean she'll automatically become a ***** or ****. My mothe bought me one at age 14, and the reason behind that was so I wouldn't get underwear lines in my JHS prom dress. (She picked me up from the prom too.) I appreciated it enough to say thank you. I was a bit embarrassed and it made me feel just a little bit more 'grown up'. I'm 19 now and she is used to me coming home with tons of new underwear. I find diffrent kind of underwears comfortable for diffrent kinds of dressing-situations.

As one of the interested guys I'd like to thank you for buying a thong to your daughter. You see, it's so much better when they send us pictures of their new thong or when they want to show it live. Ah, the pleasures of seeing a 16 year old girl sending pictures and innapropriate messages thanks to some parents :)

I don't see the big deal with a 16 year old wearing a thong. Some people just like them more, and it doesn't mean she's going to start sleeping with everybody (if she isn't already... I have my doubts about most girls that age) For the mother, just hang in there. She'll realize in a few years when she grows out of the teenage stage that she really does appreciate and love you. It's embarrassing for a teen to admit it, but I'm sure she does feel that way.

She's 16 and doesn't buy her own underwear? wtf?

wallythedolly 0

I don't think it's weird that a 16 year old is wearing a thong (seriously? I've known middle schoolers who wear thongs), I think it's weird that she's 16 and still needs mommy to buy her underwear.