By bear - 26/03/2013 11:40 - Australia - Sydney

Today, my daughter got selected to pick music for a funeral. She only listens to Nikki Minaj. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 389
You deserved it 5 747

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Help her? I doubt even she would find Nicki Minaj appropriate for a funeral, even if she does like her.

Maybe they'll come back alive and die again!!


What about her is horrible? What you hear on the radio and the way she looks?

Just calmly and patiently explain to her that some people may find Nicki Minaj inappropriate for the occasion, and help her toward picking more appropriate music. She's sure to see the logic there. Of course, if she doesn't, then talk to whoever's organizing the funeral about what's happening and I'm sure they'd be happy to pick someone else instead. If it comes to that.

She could incorporate Nicki Minaj into the music if she finds an appropriate song and maybe mixes it up with other songs. I personally wouldn't want Nicki Minaj played at my funeral, but she might want to ask the family what type of music they would find acceptable.

I listen to lots of different kinds of music, and even I would be lost on what to pick for a funeral. Should I pick happy mystic to lift the mourners' spirits? Should I pick sad music to respect the dead and the somber occasion? THE BEATLES! The Beatles are always good. Right? Right???

Idk what funeral home you're using, but I've never seen or heard of them "picking" people to select music

No funeral home does that. It is probably the legal next of kin that made that decision.

Your daughter needs to broaden her horizons

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Who the hell is in charge of this funeral?