By bear - 26/03/2013 11:40 - Australia - Sydney

Today, my daughter got selected to pick music for a funeral. She only listens to Nikki Minaj. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 389
You deserved it 5 747

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Help her? I doubt even she would find Nicki Minaj appropriate for a funeral, even if she does like her.

Maybe they'll come back alive and die again!!


TrilliousDivine 9

Maybe Fly would be one to remotely come close to decent for a funeral.....then again maybe not.

Geekyandproud 19

Why would you let her listen to that shit?

Nicki Minaj scares me. She looks and sounds like some fembot/cyborg thing about to spontaneously combust.

Mackay92 14

people like you really annoy me who cares what you listen too respect the person who died

fksfsdhfsdfh 26

*t-t-turn me on* what kind of funeral is this?!?

That does not count as music. More like a noise.