By Nancy - 08/07/2009 14:01

Today, I sat on an elevator for 10 minutes thinking I was stuck. After waiting awhile I looked at the screen to see what floor I was stuck on, only to realize I hadn't pressed a button so I had just stayed on the ground floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 269
You deserved it 63 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, that sucks :/ I did that in a hotel once. haha there were two sets of elevators (1 from 1 - 13 and the other from 13 - 26) and I kept asking people "how do you get to level so and so" hahah it was embarrassing

thats not too bad... at least no one saw you


EvilCupcake8361 9

something tells me youre blonde, lol

Fab0luZ 0

omg,i did this before! i was in school though.

maz_irken 6 sat ON the elevator? whatever happened to IN it?

Oh, that sucks :/ I did that in a hotel once. haha there were two sets of elevators (1 from 1 - 13 and the other from 13 - 26) and I kept asking people "how do you get to level so and so" hahah it was embarrassing

definitely have done that before. lmao

thats not too bad... at least no one saw you

... Wow. Please do not plan on having children. Last thing we need is even more dumbasses. :/

FMLs aren't what they used to be : ( remove yourself from the gene pool edit- 6 has it

Jazzywrites007 2

Wooooow.... I Wonder if Six And Seven ever get dizzy from riding around on that high horse every waking minute...

X0XyentroucX0X 0

wow...happens to me all the time...but how is this a FML??? pay attention!!

ithedarkknight 0

um lol thats dumb and cute at the same time i would think your cute but Nancy sounds like a older women or a girl thats not really my type...