By bear - 26/03/2013 11:40 - Australia - Sydney

Today, my daughter got selected to pick music for a funeral. She only listens to Nikki Minaj. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 389
You deserved it 5 747

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Help her? I doubt even she would find Nicki Minaj appropriate for a funeral, even if she does like her.

Maybe they'll come back alive and die again!!


Asking someone to do that is incredibly rude to the daughter and also the people who selected her. Hopefully the daughter has some common sense and won't choose that music.

If only it were Nikki Minaj's funeral. Everybody wins! Everybody.

Sorry 24, but if someone picked a candidate to choose music for a family member's funeral and they only listened nikki minaj, i would've said to reconsider aswell. its not about the daughter, respect the dead. hopefully she chooses something appropriate.

HeadlessSparrow 20

Is it time to put Nicki Minaj's music at rest? Hopefully she knows better not to pick Nicki Minaj for music at a funeral

obviousboy 8

So you said something about minaj, but to what kind of music does your daughter listen?

Nicki Minaj is the reason why people die.

I bet the funeral director made that call. Get people to kill themselves to escape Nicki Minaj, thus increasing business for them.

Obey_StudBoii 23

Oh this is going to end up horrible if you don't help her. Nicki Minaj music is not meant for funerals. If you really want to help out try soothing music? Better yet Google it.

Why is it f your life?! It's more like f the deceased person's life.

Believe it or not Nicki Minaj actually has a really nice singing voice. She might not be everyone's cup of tea but each to their own.

Inciter 33

Nice singing voice or not, Nicki Minaj's music isn't exactly appropriate for a funeral.

But thanks Captain Obvious, for pointing that one out.

Nicki Minaj sounds like a dying cow having an ******.