By bear - 26/03/2013 11:40 - Australia - Sydney

Today, my daughter got selected to pick music for a funeral. She only listens to Nikki Minaj. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 389
You deserved it 5 747

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Help her? I doubt even she would find Nicki Minaj appropriate for a funeral, even if she does like her.

Maybe they'll come back alive and die again!!


#88 Of course, she's the best at making terrible music.

I'm expecting a follow-up on what she picked, OP. I think we all want to know. Sorry for your loss.

It's pretty stupid to ask them to reconsider. The girl likes fun music. Music doesn't always have to be heart-felt, deep, and meaningful. It can be fun, crazy, offensive, and in your face. That's what kids like to listen to because it's FUN. A funeral is the last place a kid would think about having fun, so obviously she won't play Nicki Minaj. Don't judge her based on her music taste. I'm wearing a Nicki Minaj shirt right now. I listen to her. But no way in hell I'd play her at a funeral. Don't insult her intelligence simply because she likes to listen to fun music. I'm plenty sure she's gonna steer clear of Minaj for the funeral. She's not an idiot.

Hopefully she'll come up with a Minajerie of great music!

hanielfavela 6

I say YDI because you are responsible for your child and her actions.

nnnope 26

94: what's "fun" about a person who preaches "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything" and then writes a song called "stupid ho"...?

your daughter has terrible taste in music. hopefully someone else can be given the responsibility.

And you gonna drop dead with the boomin sistas! Unless you like Lazarus you be raisin up! Lol

At least spell nicki right. I hate when they spell it like my first name.