By djl - 20/12/2012 05:30 - Canada - Beaumont

Today, my boyfriend told me his Christmas gift to me was custom made. I told my parents in excitement, thinking it could possibly be a ring. Half an hour later he told me what it was; a molded dildo of his penis. It's going to be an awkward conversation with my parents when they ask what I got. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 062
You deserved it 15 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him you wanted a real *****, not a scale model.


Kallian_fml 21

I can't seem to understand why your boyfriend would want to make himself so easily replaceable...

Using toys is like tickling yourself, it works better when someone else is doing it. So maybe he is not that easy to replace.

89 - Complete opposite is true for me and anyone I've ever heard talk about it (having been in a sorority, I've heard way too many girls talk about their sex lives and "special alone time")

I guess that is just my opinion, and personal experience. I usually don't talk to other girls about self satisfaction, so I wouldn't really know much about it now would I? :)

I would much rather spend sexy times with my partner of 8 years than I would with any sex toy. Then again I'm also supposedly a 'unicorn' - a woman who gets off on penetration, not on direct clitoral stimulation - unless it's foreplay, I find it annoying - which is apparently extremely rare. And a silicone wang just ain't the same.

I actually watched that HBO special called "Real Sex" and saw how they made molded ******. There was a famous male **** star that was used as the model and in order not to go soft during the plaster/molding process, they had fluffers near by. Yeah, that's how I learnt what fluffers were. I'd ask some questions if I were you. :P

I learned what they were while reading Ron Jeremy's autobiography. Funnily enough, it was a pretty good book.

You can buy the kit* and do it at home all by yourself now. We sell them at Spencer's, and I've seen them at other adult shops too. *Fluffers not included.

Well, at least your boyfriend is creative... most people wouldn't think to have a ***** custom-made for a gift.

Tell your parents that you're a little disappointed. You already have one just like it, so you're not quite sure where you're going to stick it at.

But... You already have his penis. Why would you need another one of the same?

Maybe he can't last very long and never gets the job done.

Hmmm wondering, would he wrap it or just make it your socking stuffer?

I actually find that a very nice gift. At least he wants you to have a jolly good time without him.

Look at it this way, what he gave you is the right color, the right size and you know it will fit. Pretty thoughtful if you ask me.

obviousboy 8

Probably the world's smallest *****.