By whovian - 25/12/2014 15:17 - United States - Gorham

Today, my mom got me a Christmas present. Since I'm a whovian, she thought it would be cool to get me what she thought was a sonic screwdriver. It was actually a dildo shaped as one. I opened the gift in front of my entire family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 546
You deserved it 4 633

Same thing different taste

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I think OP's mom was telling her to go screw herself.


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PhantomFollower 20

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I think everyone on fml's a little touchy about their doctor who. also #3 I liked your "whatvian" comment even though apparently nobody else did.

I thought it was talking about the little people in the Grinch. I don't watch Dr. Who so I had no idea what was going on either until I read the comments.

a whovian. once you join the fandom, you can never leave....

Is it hard enough to use it as a screwdriver?

It's a Doctor Who sonic screwdriver. Not exactly your typical screwdriver!

Oh god. That's just oh god maybe someone needs to have "the talk" with your mpm

mewtwonow 24

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Go on with your bad self! Or Maybe mom gave you the wrong gift by mistake... I blame dad.

Next time just tell her to go to Hot Topic. They have all your Whovian needs!

That's where my boyfriend got me a TARDIS cookie jar for Christmas. You would have thought OPs mom would read the label at least... is better but Hot Topic is way more convenient. There is always the bonus of meeting other Whovians as well.

no, I googled it. I do not watch a lot of tv. just didn't know what it was.

#43: I upvoted you. There's a comment in my profile that's relevant to this.

As an American that’s never see Dr Who? I too had to Google exactly what that was as well. I couldn’t help but laugh when I realized the mistake her mom made. ???

I guess you wanted a little time lord technology in you

Rather than bigger on the inside, it's bigger once it's inside?