By Anonymous - 26/12/2009 01:23 - United States

Today, as my dad was handing me my Christmas gift, he pats me on the shoulder and says, "These were mine, hope you enjoy them as much as I did." Thinking it was something special of his he wanted to hand down to me, I quickly unwrapped the box only to find old 70's porn. Merry Christmas? FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 554
You deserved it 3 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lols that's gross to fap to the same thing your dad did


icall_BS 0

You lucky bitch. I want retro **** pl0x.

nateb1tch 1

least he is cool about you jacking off to ****

shanemaximo 7

Penis sideburns for the win!!

PandaKitteh 20

The first thing that came to my mind: Bush.

Lols that's gross to fap to the same thing your dad did

harry1212 0
skyeyez9 24

70's ****: hilarious **** music, hairy beavers, farrah fawcett hair do's. lol