By Anonymous - 02/01/2012 20:55 - United States

Today, while I was in the break room at work, one of my coworkers walked in on me playing with my animal crackers, complete with animal noises. Now, the entire department won't stop teasing me and calling me Tarzan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 704
You deserved it 36 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crchara 3

what else are animal crackers supposed to be used for?

Years ago, I was adrift at sea, all I had were my beloved animal crackers. I... had to eat them to survive. Every last one. The memories still haunt me. So I drink to dull my anguish.


crchara 3

what else are animal crackers supposed to be used for?

They also make excellent companions. Don't ask me how i know though ...

watch out, we have a bad ass over here!

Years ago, I was adrift at sea, all I had were my beloved animal crackers. I... had to eat them to survive. Every last one. The memories still haunt me. So I drink to dull my anguish.

All I'm saying is that it involved two animal crackers being placed in a position that may or may not have been misunderstood.... DON'T JUDGE ME !!!

Don't worry ClassyCommando I'm sure they will understand. better for one to live than none.

Thank you for the inspirational words. I'm joining AA tomorrow. I'm gonna make them crackas proud. *Please do not interpret that as a racial slur*


sovetskiy 8

I'd say F your coworkers' lives for having no sense of humour.

They do have a sense of humor for calling him Tarzan

blackstar994 5

It'd be pretty sad if classy was serious...

To avoid the situation of current, you should have invited him to join you. The reason he told everyone, if that is how the mocking started, was because he was upset you didn't share. Sharing is caring. Remember to smile.jpg.

My blow-up dolls were named: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday And Saturday.

Actually, 5/7 of them were Asian. By the way, you wouldn't happen to be mrmisfit, would you?

Animal crackers in my soup, monkeys and rabbits loop the loop!

No don't drowned them!!! Unless u get the sea aminal crackers like with wales and dolphins :D

nnguyen1995 0

Aminals? Is that a new species? :O

when you stop the gorilla revolution they'll be thanking you tarzan

"Today, while I was in the break room at work, one of my coworkers walked in on me........" -_- tell me u guys didnt expect something else...*coughfapcough*

Lol i shoudve added the "playing with me" part too

Food is here so we can play with it, not eat it.

BeaterOfTheDrums 15

Embrace it op. EBRACE IT! AhhhhhAhhhAhhAhhha!! Sorry, that personality keeps escaping from it's cage.

blackstar994 5

112- Get it's a nice biger cage??? That does'nt make ang sense!!!

Or play with the animal crackers and then act like godzilla mercilessly devouring them (:

iDaniel525 8

Tarzan no like being made fun of.

Indeed, when did Tarzan stop being a manly man, and king of the jungle? When did he turn into a weird ****-tard who plays with imaginary animal friends, who also happen to be biscuits..

BeaterOfTheDrums 15

I think they are a type of cookie. But I'm also legally retarded...

rachaelheartsNY 8

I'm pretty sure they are *crackers* but who knows.

BeaterOfTheDrums 15

Okay I looked it up. They are animal shaped piece of *sweetened cookie-like* dough. Sweet=cookie. Salty=cracker. They can be both.

blackstar994 5

22- where the **** did you get biscuit from? It's a cracker dumb ass. Animal "CRACKER".

iDaniel525 8

NYC, are you talking about my picture?

You're the king of the jungle tarzan tell those bitchs who's boss!

Random question: can vegetarians eat animal crackers?

alphaskater09 9

Random question: can animal crackers eat vegetarians?

^They probably want to but sadly their mouths r just to small

xSonic 9

I'm sorry for being stupid, but what's the difference between a Vegan and a Vegetarian? (I'm too lazy to google)

tylersign 11

110- There are different types of vegetarians.. But mainly we exclude meat, eggs, dairy, etc out of our diets- with some exceptions. Vegans, however, don't eat anything that comes from an animal. At all. Bye.

Wolveslikepie 4

Why dont you just make them have animal sex like a normal person?

blackstar994 5

From the look of 9s picture, he doesn't wast time to play with them. xD