By Anonymous - 27/09/2011 15:56 - United States

Today, my boyfriend still couldn't work out where my clitoris is. It's RIGHT THERE, you idiot. I've pointed it out, but each time it's like he needs a compass and a map or something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 687
You deserved it 12 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

steve247 2
orgasm_blush 4

Hmmm. How old are you guys I feel like that might play a big part in this.


MySinfulSorrow 0

You need to chill the hell out. At very least he is trying, so I don't see how this is fml worthy.

He should watch some Californication :D

lonewolf5755 5

hold his head still and move your hips. you can control more than you evidently know. next you'll be bitching that he can't find your g spot.

Honest to god question!!!; Where the **** IS that damn thing????

ikickgingers 15

Your caps makes me think you yell. You don't yell when you want something. You make nice-nice. You want good boom boom start being more appreciate of what he's doing and give him positive feed back instead of being a ****. Or wait until you hit 16 and try again.

If he is a gamer then yes, a compass and map might help.. you could always turn it into a quest. ;-) You head north.. You encounter AROUSED ********. Fight, flee, flick or lick?

I didn't know fml had a personal shout out service.

niamah 11

Pressure to perform can lead to temporary loss of navigational ability

you sound like a rude bitch, why are you being so mean to him about it? I bet if he yelled at you to do oral you wouldn't be so willing to learn. you sound too young for sex, keep your clothes on hooch

perdix 29

I wouldn't let him anywhere near that region with a compass. He doesn't need to draw any circles down there (at least not geometrically perfect ones), and that sharp point can be dangerous!

rcloca 10

Yep, never forget the "pointy tip!"

ikickgingers 15

Speaking on making a compass...

perdix 29

Of course, the mythological inventor of the compass would be aware of the safety issues. So would cute stalker chicks ;)