By notsexy - 28/07/2009 22:28 - United States

Today, my boyfriend came over so that we could have some "fun". It turns out, his idea of foreplay is squishing my breasts together and making them talk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 764
You deserved it 8 442

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I lol'd. But here's a thing. Us guys are clueless. If something doesn't feel good, or if he's doing something wrong... tell him. He will correct himself, and it'll be much easier for the both of you.

deathbunny256 0

"Hewwo! My name is Ms Boob! And you aw?"


I lol'd. But here's a thing. Us guys are clueless. If something doesn't feel good, or if he's doing something wrong... tell him. He will correct himself, and it'll be much easier for the both of you.

this. also thats ******* awesome lmao. "Hi mrs nipple, is it cold in here for you too?.."

no1askdu 5

but this method doesnt always work.. but it is pretty funny...not haha funny but funny enough

In the unforeseen instance where I actually manage to get my hands on a pair of boobies I AM SO DOING THIS


@#38 You talk about getting you hands on a pair of "boobies" like there wasn't a whole woman attached to them.

#68 *your and that wasn't mean to sound hostile =P

Yeah, she should def tell him making her boobs talk doesnt feel good, otherwise he wouldnt ever notice that! lolwut

ohhdamn 0

i would soo do that if i were a guy =P

STVader 0
goldengophers12 0

Well, in most cases it's easier to get your hands on "boobies" than the whole girl because generally boobs fit in your hand better than boobs + attached body. In unrelated news (to the above), I think that this girl deserved it. It's not like anyone is forcing this guy to be her boyfriend, and since it is here boy friend, I'd hope she'd know the guy well enough that this doesn't come as much of a surprise. So I say you deserved it.

codyxfail 0

@#71 You talk about hands like they would want to go anywhere near you.

ashleymarie37 0

boobies?...c'mon now who says that above the age of 12.

pink_pimptress 0

but how many guys are honestly that clueless. yeah, guys often could use pointers, but talking boobs, really?!?!?

hahaha would you like a girl to do that to your balls?

OppositesAttract_fml 0

That's actually really cute. XD I could so see myself doing it... on SOME occasions. x)

deathbunny256 0

"Hewwo! My name is Ms Boob! And you aw?"

crazy_cat_lady 0
flyboy57 0

that sounds fun. did he motorboat them too?

Not really bad. Especially if it's turning him on.. Which I hope it would if that's his idea of foreplay