By Anonymous - 28/02/2017 14:00

Today, while doing a project on income, my teacher told me there are no houses in Japan. I told her I lived in Mitaka for 3 years and that I lived in a house there. She told me I was bullshitting. So much for quality education. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 841
You deserved it 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does she not know they had an industrial revolution? Or even heard of Tokyo?

AzrielB 8

A lot of people think Japan is all apartment blocks, which is what I assume the teacher thought, but even in Tokyo there are a lot of (very small) single family homes.


Does she not know they had an industrial revolution? Or even heard of Tokyo?

I don't even want to THINK of how much a house in Tokyo would cost...

AzrielB 8

A lot of people think Japan is all apartment blocks, which is what I assume the teacher thought, but even in Tokyo there are a lot of (very small) single family homes.

Viewerv 2

If that's what she meant, she's still an idiot. Even Singapore has standalone houses. Japan is a huge county with a lot of areas with large traditional houses. Teachers should not open their mouths unless they are sure. OP should file complaint against the teacher for stupidity.

So she may have had misconceptions but to then call someone who lived there a liar is completely stupid. Sounds like she doesn't like being corrected so goes into denial.

The only logical explanation is that we're in the Matrix, and the teacher was trying to free your mind. "Do not try and buy a Japanese house. That's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth." "What truth?" "There is no housing in Japan." "There is no housing in Japan?" "Then you'll see that it is not the house that provides shelter in Japan, it is only yourself."

Yeah. That's not rain either. It's the piss of our robot overlords.

I feel like this is the kind of argument you can resolve in 30 seconds with Google, but maybe even that wouldn't work with her.

Tell her that "Turning Japanese" is their national anthem. She'll give you extra credit points for sure!

CrassKal 27

Going by what anime has shown me, all japanese people either live in apartments or buddhist temples.

about 3 seconds with google streetview could have ended that argument

Ok? All continents(besides Antarctica) have houses. If Africa got houses, why wouldn't the probable most advanced country have them?