What the actual ****?

By samrodpuertorico - 13/02/2009 20:40 - United States

Today, I went to dinner with my friend and his family. I went to the men's room at the same time as his father, and as we peed next to each other in adjacent urinals the father looked over at me and said, "Don't worry, I've seen smaller." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 382
You deserved it 3 045

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't you know the urinal rule of skipping one urinal? Your fault.


Don't you know the urinal rule of skipping one urinal? Your fault.

toaster468 0

Seriously and I don't think you should be standing far enough away that he can easily peak over and see it

chrisbeaudoin 26

Sometime there are only 2 or there might be other people.

even I know about the unspoken pattern to picking a urinal rule and I'm a chick.

Hate it when there's only 2 or a lot of people

So why was he peeking at your tool again? ....

He probably went to school where there is gym class and showers

greenfairy_fml 0

backs up my theory that all men are secretly gay.

woohoo! i agree! and she said "secretly gay", dude.

dirtygerbil08 1

Some people are so awkward. Urinal conversation is possibly the most awkward thing ever. I'm sure he was joking.