By flustered - 28/07/2009 22:55 - United States

Today, I went to the grocery store. My checker was very hot. When it came time for me to pay, I swiped my debit card and the machine kept rejecting it. Sure that I had money in my account, I did it again, before the cute checker informed me that I was swiping my driver's license, not my debit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 350
You deserved it 52 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Obwaban 0

haha, woooooooow. someone is easily distracted


Obwaban 0

haha, woooooooow. someone is easily distracted

no1askdu 5

or hes just not that bright. ive actually dont this before.

Lol that happens often actually. I sometimes don't pay full attention to what cards I'm taking out or using either. My dad once was using the library printer which required him to swipe his library card and took out a train ticket and tried to swipe that, numerous times, as people behind us gave him weird looks.


or he's and idiot. or an easily distracted idiot. plus, OP, i totally thought you were gonna go with "that's when she said it, looked me dead in the face n asked 'cash or credit?' and i jizzed in my pants!!" kudos on trying to pay with your license tho, still embarrassing.

Can't everyone be a bit absent-minded at times?


terranada 3

dude I love that song!!! lmao

Obwaban 0

the OP could be a girl for all you know

DarkestSonata 0

Thats what i thought when i read it

Naw dude, women with driver's license? I don't think so.


truly epic fail. not only did your 'first!!!!!!' get buried, but you were 6th. now you have 2(more?) reasons to kill yourself. not only was your empty life not validated at all by being first since you were, in fact, 6th, but you were also given the thumbs down. so go do it. now.

Suicide isn't a joke. Don't ever tell someone to kill themselves. Nobody ever deserves that.

I don't see how you wouldn't realize that when you pulled it out.


LOL better luck next time dude don't worry plenty more fish in the sea or store if you prefiere

mylife30 0

way to spell prefer completely wrong! haha

That's such bullshit. That's not how a debit/credit card machine works. It wouldn't go through the process to reject it; it would simply be unresponsive to a driver's license and keep telling you to swipe again.

As a cashier, I have customers mistake their license for their debit card all the time, and it DOES go through the process until it is rejected at the end.

n42nate 0

#1! Man I've always wanted to say that. And maybe if you would actually try to act smart by paying attention and thinking "okay, I really want to impress this guy so let's try not to screw this up" this wouldn't happen to you and all the others that post strories similar to this.

cuterthanuthink 0

lmao. what are you retarded? how could u have not noticed that.

fatcow282 8

It could have as easely happened to u