By InTheDoghouse23 - 24/08/2009 21:25 - United States

Today, my wife and I had another couple over. My wife was beside me while we all talked in the kitchen. I turned to put something in the fridge, and the other couple went into the next room. Turning back, I groped my wife's breasts playfully. She screamed and slapped me. It wasn't my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 854
You deserved it 59 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Squadoosh 0

How do you not realize it wasn't your wife? Unless you just spun quickly and grabbed the first boob you saw.

fmlfmlfml15 0

Lesson learned: Look before you grope


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Knight05 0

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Anna-nymous 8

another person's wife? wtf you're trying to get the feminists mad

FYL because breast groping is not socially acceptable yet

screwtaylor 0

#18. STFU and make me a cheeseburger.

Imawhalerider 0

you want some fries with that?

@63 I wouldn't mind making you a sandwich. (FYI, yes, I'm objectifying you by saying that ;p)

screwtaylor 0

#82. I also want a milkshake with them fries, aswell. And, to #86! FYI, I don't know where you're hinting at. Okay, good day.

I'm gettin hungry. Either way, he coulda just said that he was checkin bra size. "They're melons!"

Ok, no, my joke wasn't meant to be that perverted. I was just saying that I wouldn't mind making a sandwich since you're a lady... I guess it doesn't make sense much; but it's because I'm being like "oh how cute, she wants a sandwich. I guess I'll make one'

@96 yeah that'll work...because people do that all the time right?

Imawhalerider 0

I've had that before. I was at my girlfriends house and I was inches from grabbing her almost identical sister's ass. I was just relieved that I caught it in time. So OP I'm gonna say FYL because if they look similar it's hard to prevent those accidents.

Thats not the real fml that means ur wife just went into the other room with the other guy

#18 you are a dick hole in the worst possible way.

no1askdu 5

you know she probably enjoyed it...

YDI for grabbing something that isn't yours. And, #1, you fail.

kapowi 0

YDI. How could you not realize it's your wife? Disgusting pig.

justmyluck1212 0
Squadoosh 0

How do you not realize it wasn't your wife? Unless you just spun quickly and grabbed the first boob you saw.

Escapist28 0

The way you said that made me laugh more than the FML did.

fmlfmlfml15 0

Lesson learned: Look before you grope

kubes89 0

haha... just a case of mistaken you shoulda said that you wanted to go to the swingers bar

moonlight_daze 8

Before the scream and the slap, it sounds like you were enjoying yourself!