By frustrated! - 06/02/2013 06:01 - United States

Today, my boyfriend called me a freak for wanting to have sex for a second night in a row. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 951
You deserved it 6 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments


interesting how we had sex at least 10 times in two days with my gf and none of us complained about it!

nnnope 26

Wait, how many people had sex with your girlfriend?

37 - show off! ;) 38 - thanks for that. I needed a laugh. :)

Geneside 8

And the sad thing is most people on here is lieng about getting laid XD. Op hope you get the issue resolved. Maybe look into a toy good investment. And like others stated stress or low testosterone. My gf and i had the same problem and stress was the cause

How are we to know that you're not lying as well?

nnnope 26

"most people on here is lieing about getting laid XD" Shit like that makes my brain hurt.

Duceswild99 19

I have the opposite problem with my girlfriend >.<. Trade?

You want to trade your girlfriemd for her boyfriend? I'm not sure she swings that way, bro.

perdix 29

He's just not that into you . . . both figuratively and literally!

I want to know when he wants to have sex 2 days in a row, if he thinks he's weird or natural. If not he a sexist ass. "Oh I want sex 24/7 but that's normal but if she wants it twice, she's ******* weird. I mean, that's not right." He needs to shut the hell up and be thankful, there is a.guy that's been trying to convince his girl for months and still didn't get it. But I'm curious...."...second night in a row." Ummmm the real question is HOW MANY TIMES did you do it in that 1 night period? If that is the case then he just might be recovering...either way, Good Job!

Nymphomaniac! Also, most guys wouldn't mind a girl who wants sex all the time. (usually)

RedPillSucks 31

Until she wears your boner out and starts seeking sex elsewhere. Then we start calling her names.

afallingstar 22

My boyfriend is the same way OP...I thought guys liked a girl who wants it all the time...or at least more than once a week.

*Looks at profile picture* I think the problem might lay in your reading interests.

RedPillSucks 31
afallingstar 22

Haha the profile pic is a joke...they have the most interesting books at Barnes and Noble

ulissey_fml 22

"give him time to reload": guess I'm not the only person who first thought you meant the second TIME in a row.