By frustrated! - 06/02/2013 06:01 - United States

Today, my boyfriend called me a freak for wanting to have sex for a second night in a row. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 951
You deserved it 6 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Ask for it twice in one day and shoot for "Super Freak"!

danieljmurray 3
sugarbear0727 19

Wow... What a weird guy. If my boyfriend is home, there's no possibility that we aren't having sex. And most of the times its a few times a day/night.

Wow two nights in a row slow down u Lil freak said no one ever

its times like this a woman needs a man like me lol

what kind of guy wouldn't want sex everyday?

afallingstar 22

The kind who has a stressful and time consuming daily routine for one example.

icepick23 12

well hes must not have the same sex interest as you

mellb_fml 3

Two of my exes had lower drives than I do and that's part of the reason we broke up, it just doesn't work!