By sierra.sl31 - 28/07/2019 22:00

Today, my boyfriend of over a year decided he wants us to wait to get married before having sex again, after we've had sex almost every night of being together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 935
You deserved it 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's just weird... Is this some kind of scheme to pressure you into marrying him? Or his way of trying to make you break up with him?


That's just weird... Is this some kind of scheme to pressure you into marrying him? Or his way of trying to make you break up with him?

Maybe he’s hoping you’ll tighten up a bit in the meantime?

Aphrodite 20

every night for a YEAR? sheesh

Yeah, he’s got a side piece just so you know.

Phil 14

My guess is that he's got a little something going on the side.

What changed his mind? A side piece, parents, or the big man upstairs? That's a very fast 180.

So, call him on it, and to the courthouse in the morning. Congratulations ❕