
By Anonymous - 23/06/2022 18:00

Today, my boyfriend told me he’d rather masturbate than have sex with me, and that sex with me is a chore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 265
You deserved it 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him you'll find someone else who doesn't see having sex with you as a chore and actually values their time with you.

Buh-bye! Unless he's really unattractive, he'll eventually find a woman with whom sex is pleasurable and you'll be dumped. Take action now because it's better to be the dumper and not the dumpee. And you might want to up your sex game a bit before the next guy so this doesn't become a recurring pattern.


Tell him you'll find someone else who doesn't see having sex with you as a chore and actually values their time with you.

Buh-bye! Unless he's really unattractive, he'll eventually find a woman with whom sex is pleasurable and you'll be dumped. Take action now because it's better to be the dumper and not the dumpee. And you might want to up your sex game a bit before the next guy so this doesn't become a recurring pattern.

Sex is a matter of the equipment you are born with (including that most important organ, the brain) plus skill and attitude. We cannot change our body much or very quickly, but we can learn to improve our skill and attitude. Being a good sexual partner is not something you are born with. Most of us improve all the areas in our lives as we get older (until the equipment wears out) - but that’s not true unless we try and have a partner who will communicate honestly. Your boyfriend may be using this as a way to eventually break up for some other reason. Or he or you, or both of you, may need to improve your skills and attitudes. It won’t get better unless you improve your communications and expectations as a couple. Real life is not like a **** video. Women are usually slower to respond and get to ****** plus everyone has their own personal preferences. If boyfriend expects you to act like a **** star, he forgets that **** stars get paid to act and the results are edited. If you expect the guy to do everything while you lie back and enjoy the scenery, then you are mistaken. You each need to talk to each other about what you like and what works for each of you. You should begin this communication not in the middle of the sex act when emotions are running high but some time when the two of you can communicate without accusations or embarrassment. God only knows if your current relationship will outlast this difficulty. But either together or separately you are both probably going to need to improve your lives in this area.

He's a bf. Kick him out. He'll be back in 4 days begging for sex.