By Skyhopee - 24/12/2012 19:42 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, because I'm too "high maintenance" during the holidays. Not to worry, though; he's willing give me another chance sometime after Valentine's day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 006
You deserved it 6 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DesiLikesHerSome 1
mom2pen 4

And you'll give him another chance when they sell ice water in hell.


serenitychaos20 6

Well that sounds like your fault for being a materialistic snob. :) prepare for a birthday break up too.

First of all, How do you know if OP is a Materialistic snob? Not every one is like that, #52. You can't directly assume she's overly materialistic just because her boyfriend says she's "high maintenance". That could be just an excuse to not get her something nice for Christmas. You could've been more supportive to OP rather than side with her Boyfriend's lazy-ass response and blame her for being "High Maintenance".

serenitychaos20 6

Oh get your panties out of a bunch. Ever think maybe she IS materialistic, and the bf isn't actually a cheap douche like everyone says? :)

You know why right. So he doesn't hafta buy and Christmas or valentines day gifts lol

Don't put yourself through that! Your better than that. Move on and be happy.

beckham2121 0

This is so freaking legit. Ima do that to my girl :)

or you can dump his ass and find someone who appreciates you.

GoW_Chick 14

This is why my boyfriend and I buy gifts that we can both use together everyone wins.

brick_man33 14

I guess your relationship, is suffering from a recession .

Maybe the boyfriend isn't a douche and op really is just high maintenance....