By Skyhopee - 24/12/2012 19:42 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, because I'm too "high maintenance" during the holidays. Not to worry, though; he's willing give me another chance sometime after Valentine's day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 006
You deserved it 6 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DesiLikesHerSome 1
mom2pen 4

And you'll give him another chance when they sell ice water in hell.


When he wants to get back together tell him he's too high maintenance for not having a dick.

AmandaBrown11 1

Do you get upset if he doesn't buy you expensive gifts on Christmas and Valentine's day? If so, that could be why. But it's pretty immature of him to try to solve the problem by breaking up with you until after the holidays. What is this, high school? Anyway, find a new dude and if you are high maintenance, try toning that shit down

Sounds like a cheapo that doesn't want to get you any gifts... it's okay you don't have to get him anything... Never get back together! You don't deserve that!

you might be a little over-demanding, which is baad, but he is very plainspoken about it, which is also equally baad. don't throw his money away for selfish present fetishes. haha

The guy's is a dick. Because there's absolutely no way OP is a high-maintenance nothing-is-ever-good-enough-for-her kind of lady, that never happens...

cash_monkey72 9

"... Give me another chance..." Hight maintenance is not what that comment says. It screams " I have no self worth" Please be glad he's gone, look deep inside and find your self pride!

Enan 4

ITT: White knights and conceited girls who think that just because she complains, there's no possibility that she's running her bf to poverty every holiday season.