By Skyhopee - 24/12/2012 19:42 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, because I'm too "high maintenance" during the holidays. Not to worry, though; he's willing give me another chance sometime after Valentine's day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 006
You deserved it 6 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DesiLikesHerSome 1
mom2pen 4

And you'll give him another chance when they sell ice water in hell.


Why after valentines day?maybe he has plans with another miss..don't go back 2 him.period

Just_A_Panda 9

Look, he's not worth it. He's probably cheap, selfish, and/or not-so boyfriend material if he's going to break up with you for being "high maintenance" when it comes to the holidays. I bet you're smart enough to not go back to him after Feb. 14. You know that's just wrong. You can do better.

argybargy 3

Speaking as a man, I agree completely. Next time you hear from him, your first response should be "I'm sorry, you have the wrong number" or "who are you?".

Larion1 13

it is his prodblem if he wants to present you swarovski or tiffany and you should leave him right now but it is your problem if you demand more than he can afford

ame_franky 0

he ****** up. don't take him back. you're not to high maintenance you're normal. men are just too selfish with their toys all year to give a shit about ppl who love them. he's a selfish bitch whose going to **** a bunch of actually high maintenance girls and then when the days pass where he'd have to give you anything even if it were just a thoughtful note. he's going to expect you to beg.

It is probably just an excuse not to give you any gifts. Believe it or not, this is the reason why most couples break up just before the holidays. I feel sorry for you. He is just a cheap half-wit b*****d.

What a cheap bastard! Give him no fcuking chance and find someone else!