By Skyhopee - 24/12/2012 19:42 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, because I'm too "high maintenance" during the holidays. Not to worry, though; he's willing give me another chance sometime after Valentine's day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 006
You deserved it 6 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DesiLikesHerSome 1
mom2pen 4

And you'll give him another chance when they sell ice water in hell.


Well stop being such a gold digging bitch (:

perdix 29

Look, you possess a ******, right? There are plenty of guys out there who will "maintain" you to whatever you demand in exchange for ready access to your special orifice.

cass1_l0ve 13

Plain and simple: he's being a dick and is to lazy to buy you something. Either that or he wants to get out and explore other women,,, which is a bit acceptable because then he wouldn't be cheating. But if it's just cause money, he's a douche bag. Leave him and go get some crazy hot man all for yourself!!!!

Pretty sure it's just because of money because he dumped her before Christmas (gift giving holiday) and is willing to "try again" AFTER Valentine's Day (another gift-giving holiday for couples.) That right there pretty much screams "I don't want to spend any time or money trying to get you something."

I'd hafta agree with the other replier. That's why he did it. Because he doesn't wanna spend any money on her. That's why it's not until after valentines day

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

71, ladies and gentleman: here to paraphrase whatever you want. No charge.

kulliken 5

Solution, blow his best friend and when he confronts you about it simply respond"he didn't find me to high maintenance" forever destroying his friendship but his emotional stability for at least a few months

Lmao! I'm totally with you on that idea!

Uhh no.. I'm pretty sure she'll just end up looking like a ***** o_O & as for their friendship, it'll still be intact. Its not like he really cares for her >_>

CataracsFan 10
kphippie 0

Sounds like you too shouldn't be togeather

Well, if you gave him a mile long Christmas wish list or asked for something extremely expensive, I could understand what he means by "high maintenance."

figures. he doesn't want to buy you a gift. cheapskate...

Some people do expect their significant other to give them the world during the holidays. Just make sure you are expecting what is within his means and you'll be fine!

bizarre_ftw 21

Agree, lead him on, don't take him back