By Skyhopee - 24/12/2012 19:42 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, because I'm too "high maintenance" during the holidays. Not to worry, though; he's willing give me another chance sometime after Valentine's day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 006
You deserved it 6 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DesiLikesHerSome 1
mom2pen 4

And you'll give him another chance when they sell ice water in hell.


Sounds to me like OP is actually high maintenance and her now ex boyfriend is a selfish douche. Try letting one of his friends maintain you for the holidays.

DaMan25 4

92- wow haha I was jking about that being classy I would spend every penny I had on the girl I love

flockz 19

did you just respond to yourself?

GoW_Chick 14

Yes I think someones been huffing to much fake snow this Christmas

Enan 4

interesting way for him to escape from giving you two special occasion gifts *makes note*

baygirl564 9

Don't give him a second chance. You deserve much better

hateevryone 14

screw that, move on with your life & find something better.

Millman_fml 9
Track1991 0

He's definitely finding excuses to break up with you so he can explore other girls. Sounds like it happens often. I don't recommend getting back with him.

When he wants to get back together tell him he's too high maintenance for not having a dick.