By Anonymous - 01/03/2013 12:02 - United States - Belmont

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, because he didn't trust himself not to cheat on me. What? FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 749
You deserved it 4 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I guess that's better than him cheating on you. I mean, he's not the kind of scum that sees some hot piece of meat and jus thinks, "hey I wanna screw that chick, to hell with my girlfriend." Although the way he's worried about cheating, he should probably get help for sex addiction or something.

I think this is very responsible. If he knows he's not mature enough for a real relationship, it's better to end things quickly, and with less heartache.


your boyfriend did the right thing. I'm sort of the same as him, not that I don't trust myself not to cheat I just have commitment problems so who knows what'll happen.. so in that case I don't even bother getting into a relationship because I'm not sure how I'll handle it. your boyfriend made the mistake of getting into the relationship at all, but maybe he thought he could handle it, and it was very mature and respectful of him to end the relationship before he proved himself right. you could handle a breakup more than you could your boyfriend cheating on you.

beanthemouse 13

FYL OP. but think about it, its better that then him cheating. He is a very mature gentleman for breaking up with you not trusting himself rather than just think "oh, she will never find out" and bang with 20 other girls. He wanted the best for you, that is why he broke up. He did not want to break your heart, that is why he broke up with you. *sigh* if only all cheating guys did this....

If it hurts now just think of the hurt you would've felt finding him in bed with someone else! It sucks but this is less then the other!

Panda_Shy_Haven 17

Had to hurt you before he potentially broke you...

I think he's a pretty honest guy for saying that b4 he actually cheated. Hes just not ready for a serious relationship yet and he responded to that in a pretty mature fashion

Sad. Maybe it's better for you to not risk getting an STD.

At least he was bring honest with his self and you.....can't knock him for that....

That's the adult thing to do. If you can't be faithful then don't be in a relationship.

fordfan89 9

I agree. the guy did the right thing.