By Anonymous - 01/03/2013 12:02 - United States - Belmont

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, because he didn't trust himself not to cheat on me. What? FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 749
You deserved it 4 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I guess that's better than him cheating on you. I mean, he's not the kind of scum that sees some hot piece of meat and jus thinks, "hey I wanna screw that chick, to hell with my girlfriend." Although the way he's worried about cheating, he should probably get help for sex addiction or something.

I think this is very responsible. If he knows he's not mature enough for a real relationship, it's better to end things quickly, and with less heartache.


I'm not sure how this is really that bad. If your partner broke up with you because they think they won't be faithful, that's much better than being deceived.

I went through something very similar! it was someone I was just friends with and didn't Really think was all that attractive. so didn't think anything if her when one day she told me to leave her alone because she can't trust herself to not cheat on her boyfriend with me. and I'm sitting there like... Wtf? I mean i KINDA understand the situation, but not like fully because I was the third party. so I'm sorry, but knowing us guys, there was probably another reason that he just didn't want to say.

757 1

Sounds like your not hot enough

ViviMage 38

he doesn't want to hurt you. don't be happy but take solace in the fact that he'd rather be without you then to betray you

cl4ptp 18

At least now he definitely won't be cheating on you and you're free to find someone faithful :)

I've heard that one before. You're better off without him.

Well at least you don't have to go through that heartache. Move on! Plenty of decent men out there who can trust themselves not to cheat!

He found someone he likes more and rather than hurt you down the line by cheating with him/her, he broke up with you. What's the problem? Sounds like a mature response to a sticky situation to me.