By Anonymous - 01/03/2013 12:02 - United States - Belmont

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, because he didn't trust himself not to cheat on me. What? FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 749
You deserved it 4 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I guess that's better than him cheating on you. I mean, he's not the kind of scum that sees some hot piece of meat and jus thinks, "hey I wanna screw that chick, to hell with my girlfriend." Although the way he's worried about cheating, he should probably get help for sex addiction or something.

I think this is very responsible. If he knows he's not mature enough for a real relationship, it's better to end things quickly, and with less heartache.


Probably did already. It sounds like a lame excuse not to tell the whole truth

Sounds like he saved you the trouble of dumping an immature coward.

In my opinion, he _WAS_ cheating on you. Just speculation though.

It means he saw someone else today and realized he wouldn't bang you if he was drunk and blindfolded. So he decided to break up with you knowing he would rather bang any other girl in existence

AJRand 14

Why do people think this has to mean he was cheating? Seems like the same concept as when people say they won't have kids because they're not mature enough.

elizacandle 29

I'd prefer that to have him cheat on me.

I think that's better than cheating, at least he can admit it.

My best friend told me that he did that to one of his exes, I felt that it was good because he saved her future heartbreak and was completely honest. Your ex was doing the same thing and I applaud him on his honesty but it still sucks.

Slover1995 9

my ex told me that.... I was like, wtf?